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Fresh Starts

resolutions health wellness

Just for the record I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. I am a fan of innovative beginnings and second chances. Here are a few practical ideas on putting a fresh start forward for 2014, from an exercise and nutrition perspective.



Short and sweet is the key. Find a routine that you can manage in 10 to 15 minutes maximum. Personally, I utilize my own joint mobility routine at least 3 to 4 times a week. It’s my go to routine for a variety of needs.

For example when short on time, works perfect. If tired or not up for a full out workout, I’m set. If traveling and stiff from the airplane, works like a charm. After a long hike with achy muscles, my body is revived. Thus, a hit!

My joint mobility routine combines a bit of philosophy from fitness trainer Steve Maxwell as well as simple Classical Pilates and modern dance exercises, spiced with a couple of physical therapy concepts. For more on joint mobility see previous post here.

Get outside

Walk around the block, get a dog, buy a bike, what ever it takes to get outside on a regular basis. Humans thrive on fresh air and natural light from outdoor activities.

If feeling strapped for time, park your car several blocks away from where you work and walk the rest of the way. Or ride public transport so you are forced to walk outdoors at some point.

For those with office jobs, take a walk at lunch. Find a buddy or enjoy the time alone. If you pack your own lunch you will have time to make this happen.

Schedule workouts

Leaving exercise to chance basically means it won’t happen. Put it on your calendar and make the appointment time consistent. Pay for classes and training up front, helps with the financial motivation factor.

Find a coach or teacher that speaks to your personality. Sticking to a routine often needs guidance. A certified, educated trainer is often the difference between success and failure over the long term.


Sugar the elephant in the room

There is just no sugar coating it, sugar is killing us. Find a way to start removing it from your daily habits. Start small and build on your success.

Smoothies, sport drinks, soda, candy, cookies, cakes, energy bars and on and on. The list is endless and the only way to put a dent in the addiction is start cutting back.

A simple way to start is begin by diluting drinks, water them down. If a soda drinker find a new companion, water with a zest of lemon juice for example. All the other stuff well sorry to say it’s gotta go.

Desert was never meant to be a daily thing. Even fruit should be eaten in moderation. Think about it, fruit was originally only available seasonally so of limited quantities. It was not a daily habit and certainly NOT five a day. No human being needs that much sugar.


Make 2014 your year for eating less processed food. Convenience = Poor Health. If it comes in a box, has a long list of ingredients and has a catchy brand phrase it’s probably not real food.

Take stock of how you feel after eating junk or processed food. Low energy, lethargic, irritable or even nauseous are just a few adjectives clients profess. Is this how you want to spend your time?

Real food means real meals. Busy is a term we’ve latched onto for various reasons. It’s time to let it go. With the holidays recently behind us, it’s evident we have time to shop.

Time is elastic, how you choose to use it is up to you. Wouldn’t it be great if this time next year you were sitting around and said?

“2014 was a year of change, amazing what a fresh start can do!”

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